About Crystals

Are the crystals cleansed before shipping out?

Yes. All crystals will be cleanse with Clear Quartz singing bowl before shipping out. 


Why are there inclusions in the crystals?

The inclusions in the crystals are natural. All crystals contains inclusions to a degree.


How to cleanse your Crystals after bringing it back?

There are a few ways you can cleanse your crystals.

1. Place under running tap water and pat dry. Do not use this method for salt lamp, selenite and calcite as they can dissolve in water.

2. Place in mineral water and pat dry. Do not use this method for salt lamp, selenite and calcite as they can dissolve in water. 

3. Place under moonlight for a night. Do not use this method for sunstone. 

4. Place on Clear Quartz Cluster during the night.

5. Use Crystal Singing Bowl for cleansing.


Who is allowed to touch your Crystals?

Your crystal should not be touched by outsiders as they can transfer their energy to your crystal. It can be touched by your family members. 


How often should your cleanse crystal?

Clear quartz do not need to be cleansed or charged. Other crystals should be cleanse around twice to once a month. 


About Liu Li

Why are there bubbles in Liu Li?

Bubbles are naturally produced during the manuacturing process of Liu Li. They represent vitality and life.